booking & fees

You can schedule your appointment here. All appointments are using video call e.g. zoom.
We can make arrangements to you suit you so please email me with any questions.
When scheduling your appointment please ensure you have YOUR time zone selected.

Your Homeopathic remedies 

You will be emailed your homeopathic prescription with information on how to order your remedies. More information HERE

I am able to dispense your prescription for you if you prefer. There is a small packing and postage fee of £15.00.

UK and Europe: mailed 1st class post.
NON UK:  mailed signed and tracked air mail.
Mail Service 7-10 days.
Courier service (DHL) available 3-5 days. Price based on location

Detox Prescriptions. For those patients who are undergoing Detox Treatment ALL prescriptions incur a charge of £40.00 for packing and shipping of remedies.

Homeobotanicals. 1x 30ml bottle of prepared remedy £20.00 + P&P

Find out more about working with me here

Do you need to cancel your appointment?

Please read the notes further down this page.


You may have a few questions to ask me before you start your treatment. No problem. Book a 15 minute call with me. 

important information

Please have a read over the information here at least once.


I send appointment reminders by email 48 hrs before your appointment time. If you are unable to make your appointment please email me or select the re-schedule button in the reminder email to find a more convenient appointment time. If you need to cancel after this time please email me.

Cancellations less with less than 24 hours notice will incur a cancellation fee
(50% of appointment fee).

The Appointment

You will receive a link to join the video appointment in your booking confirmation. Appointments are via Zoom unless agreed otherwise prior to the appointment. Please ensure you are familiar with Zoom video conferencing ( prior to the appointment time. If you arrive late to the appointment, I am not able to extent the time slot as I will have another appointment following on. You will still be charged the full fee.

During the appointment I may ask you to email me images or information for my reference. This will be discussed during the appointment

All notes, images and information discussed during your appointment is treated as confidential. I do not share this information without prior agreement from yourself first. I work in line with UK data protection laws.

When your first appointment is booked you will receive a booking confirmation by email. You will find links to a patient agreement document, please download this and read through at least once as it contains important information. 

Contacting Me

I can be reached via email and text message – if your message is urgent please title the message “URGENT” and I will answer as soon as I have a gap between appointments.  For non-urgent messages I will get back to you as soon as I can. I set aside time each day (Monday to Friday) to answer emails. 


Payment is due at the time for booking for all appointments. 

Emergency Care

I do not provide emergency care services. If you need emergency care please contact your nearest provider.





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